Sunday, May 8, 2011

Singapore Election 2011 Jokes - Part Three

Here are some more Singapore Election 2011 jokes for my visitors.  Enjoy reading!

GY for Presidency?

WP: GY can run for Singapore presidency when he lost the election.
GY: It’s a joke! When I was a President of the Cambridge University Malaysia-Singapore Association, I had sporting long hair. Now look at me.

(Refer Wikipedia on GY Early life and education.)

Is GY A Tiger?

WP: GY is being treated like an endangered species of tiger but we aren’t interested in killing any tigers. 
GY: Hey! How can I be a tiger? I was born in the year of the horse in 1954.

(Refer Wikipedia on GY Early life and education.)

Cleaner’s Prediction

Cleaner A: I’m sure PAP will win this constituency.
Cleaner B: What make you so sure?
Cleaner A: Look at all these pile of trash bags of opposition party fliers thrown away by the residents.


Before Election

Ruling Party: We promise that we’ll not increase GST for the next five years if elected.

After Winning Election

Ruling Party: This year budget, GST remains unchanged as promised before election but we have other form of income to increase. There are ERP charges, cigarette tax, maid levy, foreign worker levy, casino entry fee and alcoholic beverages percentage based tax. We’ll increase our budget surplus for this year by S$ X billion dollars. This increase is to help us continue to build a strong reserve as our country has no natural resources.

(Note: Singapore is one of the top ten richest countries in the world.)

Children's Future

Ruling Party: Your votes will decide your children’s future.
Our Children: When you become the ruling party again, we can see our future clearly. Higher tuition fees for our parents to see us through university education. Higher HDB prices that takes a long time to pay and leaving little money for our retirement.

Cooling-off Day

Voter A: Today is cooling-off day and tomorrow will be the day to cast your vote.
Voter B: It’s supposed to be cooling but why today’s weather is extremely hot and humid.

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